Creating lasting value from steel.
We are convinced that this is the key to a long-term and stable business relationship.
that our partners are convinced that they have made the best possible decision.
Az Orha Művek Kft. végzi a napelemek tartószerkezeteinek gyártását, és kiegészítő tevékenységként ipari csarnokok acélszerkezetének gyártását.
Tovább az üzletág weboldaláraAz Orha Automotive Kft. a precíziós csövek, rúdanyagok feldolgozását és lemezek vágását, marását, megmunkálását végzi.
Tovább az üzletág weboldalára
We love our work. Creating lasting value from steel. Buildings that will be a symbol of your entrepreneurial success for generations to come!
Our motivation is fuelled by a single purpose: that our partners are convinced that they have made the best possible decision. in entrusting us with the implementation of their key investments. We meet and assume responsibility for even the most stringent expectations.
Our way of thinking is based on finding solutions, not generating excuses. We expect the same from our partners and suppliers as well. We are convinced that this is the key to a long-term and stable business relationship.
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